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Corporate Chair massage

Chair massage is an excellent way to promote health within your company and motivate employees to work from the office. 

  • Short & Suitable for companies

In15 to 20 min, this relaxation massage focuses on the neck, shoulder, back and arms of the receiver. The massage is given on a clothed body, and takes place on a specialized chair brought by the practitioner.

  • Tailored

Massage is adapted for individual preferences in pressure and complaints.

  • Promote health at work

Massage has a positive long-term effect on work-related complaints such as upper back pain, headaches, and neck stiffness. The practitioner can also give advice on productive body posture in the workplace. 

chair massage


In one hour, chair massages could be given to 2 or 3 persons. For price information, please contact me via email, or phone.

    ©2024 - Charlotte Lafitte| Iokai Shiatsu

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