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Shiatsu massage stretch

Shiatsu Treatment

  • 70 euros

  • 75minutes treatment including intake

  • Order 5 Sessions : 300 euros

Short treatment

  • 40 euros

  • 40minutes treatment

  • Suitable for burn out recovery, kids or anyone who want a short relaxation.

Shiatsu massage manipulation
Charlotte Lafitte doing a Do-In Yoga

Shiatsu & DoIn

  • Combine 45minutes of Shiatsu and 30minutes of tailored breathing exercises, stretch and self massage : 80euros

Cadeau emballé

Gift Card

  • Offer a shiatsu to your friends or family for a trial : 60euros.

Current Training

I am currently taking the Basic medical study class to get fully accredited, repaid by the insurance and get registered at the Shiatsu profressional association: Shiatsu Vereniging Nederland (SVN).

I will specialised in women cycle and pregnancy, taking the Wellmother training given by Suzanne Yates:

- Marvellous vessel - June 23

- Women cycle, fertility and Shiatsu - Nov 23

- Pregnancy and Shiatsu - Mar 24

- Childbirth and Shiatsu - Nov 24

    ©2024 - Charlotte Lafitte| Iokai Shiatsu

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