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What is Shiatsu massage therapy?

Shiatsu is a form of massage therapy originally from Japan and based on Chinese medicine. It engages the body, mind and spirit of the receiver and giver, it provides deep relaxation and helps restore inner balance and flow. 

As a holistic therapy, a shiatsu treatment takes into consideration the person's history, lifestyle, and current state of mind. Shiatsu enables you to reconnect with your body, calm your mind and feel more aligned. It provides deep mental and physical relaxation, which strengthens your resilience and vitality.


The basic principle of Shiatsu is the study of Ki, the vital energy that initiates movement in the body. The condition of the Ki reflects how well our body, emotions and thoughts are functioning. The aim of a shiatsu treatment is to remind the body of its healing power and help to balance energy and stimulate circulation, through working with acupuncture pressure points in the body. 


Shiatsu Treatments

  • Individual sessions tailored to your current mental and physical state. 

  • Deep relaxation enables you to reconnect with your mind and body.

  • Advice on daily stretches and short breathing exercises.

shiatsu massage

Photo by Juliette Garms

Shiatsu Approach

In the shiatsu treatment, I will apply soft thumb pressure using the center of my body (Hara) as an anchor and source of movement.

To ease circulation, I sometimes manipulate or gently stretch the arms & legs.

The pressure and intensity of the shiatsu massage is tailored to your individual condition and needs. 

I will treat the whole body, with a focus on any specific complaints you have.

What happens in the session

A shiatsu treatment takes about 60 to 75 minutes. 

The first session starts with an intake interview to understand your main complaints, background, lifestyle and current mental and physical state.

If you decide to return for a follow-up session or sessions, the initial conversation will be shorter.  ​

You can also combine a treatment of 45minutes with a tailored set of breathing exercises, stretches and self massage for 30minutes.

The treatment takes place on a futon ( traditional Japanese mattress).

Shiatsu massage therapy is given through clothing. Please come wearing with comfortable clothing.

    ©2024 - Charlotte Lafitte| Iokai Shiatsu

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